Creating a Tcl Web Service


Loading the Webservices Server Package

The Web Services package, WS::Server, is not a standalone application, but rather is designed be a "module" of TclHttpd. The following command is normally placed in httpdthread.tcl:

To load the webservices server package, do:

 package require WS::Server

This command will only load the server the first time it is used, so it causes no ill effects to put this in each file declaring a service or service procedure.

Defining a Service

The code that defines a service is normally placed in one or more files in the custom directory.

Procedure Name : ::WS::Server::Service

Description : Declare a Web Service, the following URLs will exist

                     Displays an HTML page describing the service
                     Returns a WSDL describing the service
                     Invoke an operation

Arguments : this procedure uses position independed arguments, they are:

             -host           - The host name for this serice
                                     Defaults to "localhost"
             -decription     - The HTML description for this service
             -xmlnamespace   - Extra XML namespaces used by the service
             -service        - The service name (this will also be used for
                                 the Tcl namespace of the procedures that implement
                                 the operations.
             -premonitor     - This is a command prefix to be called before
                                 an operation is called.  The following arguments are
                                 added to the command prefix:
                                    PRE serviceName operationName operArgList
             -postmonitor    - This is a command prefix to be called after
                                 an operation is called.  The following arguments are
                                 added to the command prefix:
                                    POST serviceName operationName OK|ERROR results
             -inheaders      - List of input header types.
             -outheaders     - List of output header types.
             -checkheader    - Command prefix to check headers.
                                   If the call is not to be allowed, this command
                                   should raise an error.
                                   The signature of the command must be:
                                     cmd \
                                         service \
                                         operation \
                                         caller_ipaddr \
                                         http_header_list \

Returns : Nothing

Side-Effects : None

Exception Conditions :

     MISSREQARG -- Missing required arguements

Pre-requisite Conditions : None

Defining an Operation (aka a Service Procedure)

Procedure Name : ::WS::Server::ServiceProc

Description : Register an operation for a service and declare the procedure to handle the operations.

Arguments :

     ServiceName     -- Name of the service this operation is for
     NameInfo        -- List of three elements:
                             1) OperationName -- the name of the operation
                             2) ReturnType    -- the type of the procedure return,
                                                 this can be a simple or complex type
                             3) Description   -- description of the return method
     Arglist         -- List of argument definitions,
                         each list element must be of the form:
                             1) ArgumentName -- the name of the argument
                             2) ArgumentTypeInfo -- -- A list of:
                                    {type typeName comment commentString}
                                         typeName can be any simple or defined type.
                                         commentString is a quoted string describing the field
     Documentation   -- HTML describing what this operation does
     Body            -- The tcl code to be called when the operation is invoked. This
                            code should return a dictionary with <OperationName>Result as a
                            key and the operation's result as the value.

Returns : Nothing

Side-Effects :

   A proceedure named "<ServiceName>::<OperationName>" defined
   A type name with the name <OperationName>Result is defined.

Exception Conditions : None

Pre-requisite Conditions : ::WS::Server::Server must have been called for the ServiceName

Declaring Complex Types

See: Creating a Web Service Type from Tcl